Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hello Family and Friends,

I have about a week and a half until I head out for Africa.  WOW! Were did the time go!  I will be flying out of Billings on the 18 and arrive in Philadelphia that evening.  I will then spend the next day in Philly meeting my fellow volunteers and getting some pre-service information.  The next day we get into vans and head for JFK airport.  We then have 17 hour flight to Johannesburg and from there we fly down to Lilongwe.

XOXOXO to all and I will try to write one more post before I get into Africa.


  1. Hi Lauren,

    Carl and I have enjoyed your blog. It is so interesting about your sub-teaching and working with your family before you leave for Malawi. We are amazed about how busy you have been. Where do you get your energy?

    We have been busy getting our house ready for a friend to rent/house sit. I think you know that we are in the 50+ age group.

    We have neglected almost every thing else, like the language lessions. (We are tying to work on that.) We have 12/11 days to go. See you soon, Karen Reese and Carl Scarbro.

  2. Sounds all very exciting! I wish you all the best in the world literally Lauren! :D Hugs!

