Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow morning I get on a plane to start my adventure.  The time really did fly!  At christmas I though that the middle of February would never come and now it is here.  Today I am running around trying to make sure that I have everything while making sure that I have not over my 80lb weight limit.  That is hard, packing for two years while keeping it under 80lb.

My first stop will be in Philly to meet my fellow volunteers and get some pre-service information.  As a group we then fly out of JFK airport for Africa.  We will get to Lilongwe, Malawi on the 22nd.  Then what sounds like a very intense training starts.  The training will last for about three months and we will officially be sworn in as volunteers in the middle of April.

This starts the time when my internet access will be very limited.  I will be sending snail mail letters to my parents and my mom has kindly agreed to send out updates over the internet.  I will also post photos when I can.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes Lauren, I know you will do great! :D Remember to have fun! ;)
